Tips to Help You Choose Your Next Laptop

In recent years, there’s been an undeniable shift towards mobile computing in everything from our handhelds to laptops and tablets. As connection speeds have increased substantially and advances in tech have allowed the miniaturization of our devices, the trend in recent computing has most definitely moved towards the mobile market – so much so that recent statistics now suggest around 62% of all internet traffic is now made on mobile devices.

However, while tablets and smartphones are more than capable devices when it comes to mobile computing and productivity, one gadget reigns supreme – the laptop.

Things to Consider When Buying Your Next Laptop

If you’re in the market for buying a laptop, below are a few things you should look for to ensure you buy the model that’s right for you and the type of work you do.

Size and form: The primary benefit of mobile computing is being able to work untethered away from a desk, in pretty much any location. However, that’s going to be largely negated if you end up carrying around a machine that becomes a burden. In some cases, you’re going to want a larger screen – for example, if you’re working in video editing or image manipulation software like Adobe Photoshop or Davinci Resolve. However, if you’re only looking to work on MS Word docs or just need a laptop for emails or web browsing, you likely won’t need a larger machine. Remember, the size of your laptop will almost always directly relate to screen size, so choose a machine that is large enough to fit your needs.

Quality of display: Again, this will largely be dictated by the type of work you intend to do on your laptop. If you’re looking to do video, image, or 3D work, you’re going to want the best quality, most true-to-life screen you can afford, like those provided in the extensive Lenovo product range. Conversely, if you just need a laptop for web browsing, then the screen quality and resolution might not be so important.

RAM (Random Access Memory): RAM is almost like the brainpower of your computer – and the larger the RAM you have available, the more applications you’ll be able to run at once (plus the quicker the machine will perform tasks). With such powerful machines available these days, many people buy laptops with much more RAM than they need (and consequently also at a higher price). Consider what you want your machine to do, and then buy a laptop that matches your needs.

Storage space: While it’s true you can always extend the storage space of your laptop with external drives, it’s better if you think ahead and choose a machine that has the space you need. Today’s Solid-State Drives (SSDs) are minute in form factor, plus run silently and more quickly than traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDDs).

Battery life: All this portability comes at a price in terms of how long your device can run. Sure, sometimes you’ll be able to plug into an external supply but, when you can’t, you’ll be very glad you invested in a laptop with a capacious battery. Again, think about the type of work you’re going to be doing and buy a machine with a battery life that can keep you working.