If you’re thinking about how to get your first 10k followers on Instagram you’re not alone. Every Insta newbie is asking that question. It’s quite impossible to ignore that followers count that is sitting on top of your Instagram profile. It might be the first thing you see every time you log in.
It’s impossible to ignore this huge popularity boost of Instagram. Instagram is where everybody is these days. The platform has grown from millions to billions of users in no time. And I don’t see its growth slowing down in the future as well.
When it comes to measuring success these days; that little follower number is perceived to be the ultimate benchmark of success. Let’s go through how to get your first 10,000 followers on Instagram– or at least, how I did it and some tips and tricks to help you get there too.
- Engage
If these are early days of your Instagram account and you’re stuck at a few numbered followers, the best way to give this number a boost is by engaging with other like-minded accounts.
To do this you need to identify your audience or clients. Who are the people that you are targeting and trying to attract? You need to identify your potential followers who do they follow and admire on Insta what Hashtags do the use. Go to the top profiles in your niche follow people who are commenting on their posts. These are your active potential audiences there’s a huge chance they will engage with you too.
Once you have that all figured out you need to engage them you need to get them to notice you. Following this technique help me gain a whole lot of loyal and active followers for my account I hope it helps you too.
- Make Friends and Collaborate
One thing that helped me out a lot in those early days when you’re just trying everything to get noticed among the millions on Insta is connections.
Try and connect with other likeminded people or businesses. Don’t consider other profiles in your niche as competition consider them a potential partner. Chat, exchange ideas and support each other. These connections can one day become a referral source for your business.
This will give you that early follower boost that every account on Insta needs.
- Imitate Success and be that Success
Another strategy that helped me to get that all necessary followers boost is by following the footsteps of already popular accounts in my niche.
Find a few accounts that your potential customers or audience follow and analyze them. What kind of content gets the most traction? Who follows them?
Have a look at their bio and see if there’s anything that may help you to get through to the new followers. Go through their posts, note their most popular hashtags you may want to use the same in your posts. Try to learn a thing or two from their most popular posts.
Now that you have all the required information it’s time to get to work.
- Authentic and Personal Posts
I genuinely believe the one thing that helped my Instagram profile grow is that I manage my account, making my posts genuine, authentic and personal that people relate to.
One thing that every influencer or business on Social Media needs to keep in mind is that people connect to the person behind the profile. They want to believe that if they DM me I will be replying to it personally.
Personal digital storytelling is something that can set you apart from the competition and help you get more people interested in your content.
- Creating the Right Content
At the end of the day, Instagram is a content sharing app. You need to be creating and sharing content to keep your followers engaged and gain new followers. You need to make sure that not only your content is best suited for Instagram but also that this is what the audience needs.
There’s not one post in my profile that I look back upon with regret. I am proud of each one of them. Quality is better than quantity any day. You need to make sure that your audience wants to engage with the content that you’re sharing. Relevant hashtags and artistic photography is the way to achieve that.
- Killer Captions
Instagram no doubt is a visual social platform. There’s no doubt about it that your posts need to be visually pleasing. Most of the people on Instagram focus only on imagery and no heed is usually paid to the captions.
Captions, however, can play a major role in engagement, they complete your point of view and give the photo the vibe you have in mind. Each of the captions must be telling a story that your audience wants to engage with.
I used the following tips to make my captions more engaging and interesting. Captions need to tell a story, they need to be informative and provide some educational value or they should at least be funny.
- Analyze
After the initial few months on Instagram, analyze figure out what is working for you. Go over Instagram Analytics make note of the type posts that are working best for you.
Following are a few Instagram Analytics tools available in the market data from these tools that can highlight the right content for you that will attract more following.
- Ink361
- Iconosquare
- Social Blade
These are a few things that have worked for me and I believe are worth sharing. I believe these will help you reach that benchmark of the first 10k followers on Instagram quickly.
Ruchi Singh is regular content contributor at Bonnotsmillmo.com. She always loves to share unique content on multiple topics like technology, digital marketing, health, business and many more.